FAQ - Primestartrades


How can I invest?

To make a investment you must first become a member of Primestartrades. Once you are signed up, you can make your first deposit. All deposits must be made through the Members Area. You can login using the member username and password you receive when signup.


How do I open an Account?

Signing up is a simple and convenient process - just navigate to the signup section in the menu and provide the required information in the form to complete the registration.


How can I change my e-mail, address or password?

Log into your Primestartrades account and click on the "Edit Account". You can change your e-mail address and password there.


I wish to invest but I don't have an any crypto currency account. What should I do?

You can buy crypto here: www.coinmama.com
You can open a free crypto.com account here: www.crypto.com
You can open a free trustwallet account here: www.trustwallet.com
You can open a free BTC account here: www.blockchain.info

You can open a free binance account here: www.binance.com


Which crypto payment option do you accept?

We accept Bitcoin, Ethereum and USDT(TRC20).


How can I withdraw funds?

Login to your account using your username and password and check the Withdraw section.


Does a daily profit paid directly
to my crypto account?

No, profits are gathered on your Primestartrades account and you can withdraw them anytime.


Can I do a direct deposit from
my account balance?

Yes! To make a deposit from your Primestartrades account balance. Simply login into your members account and click on Make Deposit and select the Deposit from Account Balance Radio button. Note that reinvestment from account balance is only allowed not more than once in plan 1 whereas plan 2 , 3 and 4 are unlimited.